911 is not your bodyguard. Secur is.

Did you know there are over 650,000 calls placed to 911 daily in the United States? Due to the volume, lots of them aren’t getting the attention they need because they are “low priority.” Your safety should never be low priority. With Secur, it never will be.

In a time of uncertainty, safety is a major priority. Schools, malls, theaters, and restaurants are no longer free of danger or violence. What is your plan if you encounter such a situation? Most would say, “Call the police.”

Police departments all over the country have issued public statements that they will no longer be able to reply to low-level crimes or threats to safety. There are over 650,000 calls placed to 911 daily in the United States. An answered phone call is no longer a guarantee for you and your loved ones.

pie chart

70% of 911 calls are “non-urgent” and a growing percentage are going unanswered.

Most unanswered calls are due to lack of resources and calls not meeting the matrix to prioritize for urgent response. You can no longer count on emergency services to answer your call, let alone dispatch to your emergency. People want options to prevent crime before it happens.

Now, there are options, with Secur.


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